Hello, AJ :: Newborn Session

I met this new momma a month after I moved here to San Diego. I was all about trying new things and getting outside my comfort zone so I said yes to every opportunity (pro tip: do this always). Those experiences led me to a Mint Studio class where I didnt know a soul. Think real life pinterest projects. I was sitting at a table alone (which I was prepared to do), but these two happy go lucky women invited me to join them at their table. I happily picked up my champagne, moved over one table and proceeded to laughed nonstop the rest of the night. It was the first time since I had moved to San Diego, that I felt like everything was going to work out. I’d make friends, I’d fit in, I’d find my way. I can’t say thank you enough to Whitney and Amanda for taking a chance on me. And here we are almost two years later and I got to capture such an IMPORTANT and huge major life change for one of those women.

World, meet AJ. AJ, say HELLO to the world. Mom and dad have been awaiting this little guys arrival for quite some time. And here he. IS. Fyi: He slept through this entire session and could not have been a better model for us. Watching mom drink him in, dad soothe his every move – I just know these two are going to be absolutely incredible parents. Congratulations you two. It has been an absolutely honor capturing your pregnancy and his 8th day outside of the womb. Guys… YOU MADE THAT!!!!

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