2013: What a Year!

  “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” Aaron…

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{K} Family

I mean… HONESTLY, how flippping adorable is little A? Two months and riiiidiculously cute. I met this sweet family on a day filled with Christmasy spirit – the first snowfall of the season. I walked in and christmas tunes were rocking and I just felt at home… LOVED IT! Just a few sneaks of this sweet fam tonight! <3



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{A} Newborn

Little man Jace has arrived – just FIVE days new!!! What an amazing early Christmas present for this new family!! Blessed with SIX grandparents, this little guy rocked our session during the first snowfall of the season. Snuggles, hugs and lots of loving – Jace rocked this session. So honored to capture these precious moments for you and your family!!! <3



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{W} Newborn

Baby Zoey is HERE!!! Check out that head of BLACK hair! Gaaah, adorbs! Big sis G was LOVIIIIIIING on her (as were WE). Little sis might have a different hair color, you can absolutely tell they are sisters! I see lots of fun times ahead for these two. Z is just FIVE days new and alert, adorable and pretttty chill – So honored to capture these moments!! <3



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{S} Newborn

Ohhhhhh myyyyyy gooodness, meet sweet baby Claire. Just 15 days old and the sweetest little girl you’ve ever seen. Does this family not just OOZE love? Cause… ummm, they do! I met up with this gorg family of three over the weekend and got to capture these sweet moments. <3



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{T} Maternity

Youuuuu guuuuuuys!!! I am gonna be an AUNT!!!!!! I am a first timer, so I am beyond thrilled to showcase my baby niece!!! She is due January 19 and I cannot be more excited to meet this little nugget. My bro/sis in law live in Arizona, so sadly I’ll only get to snuggle on her a few times a year, but you can best bet with 5 aunts and 3 cousins this little girl is already incredibly loved! Over Thanksgiving weekend, we showered Jay and Meg (and baby T) with lots of loving and goodness, but we also made time for a quick maternity session. Hiiiii BABY GIRRRRL! <3



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{S} Family + 2 TALL kiddos

When going through these photos all I could think was how HAPPY these kiddos are. We met up on a very fall afternoon and just played in their backyard…. and had a blast. Lots of screams (playful ones) and giggles – we ran around in circles and captured this family as they are… happy! 🙂

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{J} Family + 2 Boys (Lake Ellyn)

Oh man, theseeee boys were two of my favorite kiddos this YEAR. LOTS of laughing, superhero poses and dance parties were had during our time together. This family was up for ANYTHING. A chilly afternoon in Glen Ellyn didn’t stop this fab family of four… they ROCKED it. Sneak a peek at our awesome time together!!!!!



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{J} Family + 2 boys

Awwwhhh this was my first time meeting up with this sweet Californian family. After 5 years in San Fran, this adorable family of four is now calling Winnetka their home. Both boys (3.5 and 1.5) were HILARIOUSLY awesome from the moment we met. Little man handed me a toy camera and big bro was showing me how faaaast he could run (fyi: he is VERY fast). We had a blast racing/skipping around Centennial Park… the sun even came out for a quick visit! <3 Brace yourselves for Winter, {J} family.


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{G} Family + 2 Boys

Oh man, this family is GOOOOOORGEOUS. Two handsome kiddos and a baby sister on the way! We met up on a perfect fall afternoon and were able to capture some of these sweet family moments. Just a few sneaks for now…



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