{M} Family

Always soooooooo great to see these familiar faces appear on the blog!!! Little Miss Teagan is already TWO years old?! Whaaaaaaa? We met on a chilly summer night (this summer has…

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{F} Family

Have I mentioned how much FUN it is  to see my clients grow?! GAH! These three munchkins I've see for the past 3 years and by far this year was…

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Lifestyle | Wakeman Family

You know those moments when you're alone with your family and you wish you could freeze time? That's what this session is all about. Capturing those little, in-between moments of…

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{K} Newborn

Three things remain with us from paradise: stars, flowers and children. (Dante Alighieri) Once again I had the pleasure of capturing this wonderful families major milestones, the birth of their…

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