{M} Family

Always soooooooo great to see these familiar faces appear on the blog!!! Little Miss Teagan is already TWO years old?! Whaaaaaaa? We met on a chilly summer night (this summer has…

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{F} Family

Have I mentioned how much FUN it is  to see my clients grow?! GAH! These three munchkins I've see for the past 3 years and by far this year was…

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Lifestyle | Wakeman Family

You know those moments when you're alone with your family and you wish you could freeze time? That's what this session is all about. Capturing those little, in-between moments of…

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{P} Family + 3 Years

Sweeet Paige turned THREE last month… what the heck!? If you’ve been following my blog you’ll know that this peanut was born almost four months EARLY. So the fact that she is not only here, but happy and healthy is quite the miracle! Even MORE exciting, she is gonna be a big sister this November!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely amazing and so cool. Happy Birthday, P. You make 3 look good, girl! <3



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{R} Family

Awwhhhhhhh look at big these boys have gotten?!? When did that HAPPEN?! I’ve photographed this sweet fammily for the past three years and each time I love them more and more (is that possible)? Big bro M was allll about this shoot (it helps having iron man strapped to my camera), but such a sweet, little man he has become. Gentle and kind to his little bro (at least for me and these pictures) – he has grown up so fast! Little man W just turned one last week and is all about doing what he wants and showing his independence. LOVED seeing how much these guys have grown!!! <3



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{B} Family + 1 Year

This beautiful little family is growing by one this fall and this little man is ONE years old!!! <3 Lots of fun things ahead for this crew. I met up with this sweet (and amazingly funny/kind) family at at North Pond Sanctuary and had a blast hopping around the neighborhood with them. Absolutely precious. <3


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{R} Family + 2 years

Sometimes you just gotta eat before you ready to do a shoot. Little E took a few minutes to warm up to me… but it was worth the wait (and snack).  Those little cheese rabbit crackers are amazing! This little girl is gonna be a big Sister this fall and is turning two shortly. As you can tell, she is full of personality and sweetness – Absolutely.a.blast to photograph this gorgeous little family! Sneak a peek below:



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{U} Family

I’ve know Jen since I was 12 years old – so it was a huuuuge honor not only to capture her sweet little boy, but her whole family!!! (Whom I’ve also known as long). Little Man, J is just about the cutest little kid around. We clicked from the word GO! Full of energy and independence this little guy was up for exploring every little spot in the park. LOVED him! Sneak a peek below:



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{P} Family

Ahhhh these crazy, cute munchkins! How are they growing so fast??!? A sunny mid-day shoot turned into one of my favorite shoots of the weekend. Sneak a peek at this GORGEOUS family (who you’ve probably seen a few times – I just adooooore them). Love this crew! <3



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