You guuuuuuuys, my niece is already THREE months old!!! Last Tuesday night, my sister-in-law and my bro flew into town and we got to spoil their little nugget every second of the day. Last time I saw her, she couldn’t hold her head up and I thought I’d break her. Not so anymore.
Laine Elizabeth is just about 14 pounds, starting to smile and is soooooooo curious about the world around her — She was obsessed with watching our dog, Max run around the room. Although a little delayed – she was tracking his every move. She’s got cheeks (and chins) for days and I love cuddling with her in the mornings and just chatting with her. Her curious, sweet personality is starting to form and I am quite honestly, obsessed with her.
My sister had to head out of town for a volleyball tournament, so she unfortunately only had a day with Laineybug – so we got a few photos with her before she took off. We also rocked out a 3 month session (more photos on that later – just a few below). It was a busy weekend… but one full of family time and the ever glorious sunshine.
On Easter, Laine was baptized and we celebrated the day with Meg’s LARGE family down in Hamilton, IL – a total of 70 people!!! A day full of laughter, 82 degree weather, Easter bunny visits, delicious food and squirt guns – it was a blast. Hope you all had a great weekend as well. <3
