{L} Family

Isn’t little man just ADORAAAAABLE!? Sneak a peek at a cute session of this precious nine month old who was quite giggly and adorable. We lucked out with a beautiful Saturday morning in Morton Grove and just chatted and laughed up the morning. I can’ t get enough of little man’s EYES. Ad.Or.Able. <32013-09-15_0027



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{C} Family

Happy Birthday, Little Miss C! Tomorrow she turns TWO! Full of personality and giggles, I loved working with this family. We met up about an hour before sunset at one of my favorite spots in the city and rocked out this adorable session. You might spy a verrrry tall building in the backdrop of these photos – this family lives riiight across the street from LPZ and wanted to represent that in these shots. We had a GORGEOUS (but windy) night! Check out the sneak peeks below:



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Switzerland: Part II

I had to break this into to two posts, b/c I just have too many pictures to share. Part I, was the first three days of the trip. This is the rest…

I had no real agenda going into Switzerland, I knew I wanted to see Lake Geneva, Basel, Lucerne and Matterhorn… but beyond that, I was up for whatever – I just told Nola – “Let’s go to places you haven’t been before if/when possible.” While the highlights of Switzerland definitely include the stops below (Interlaken, Lucerne, Basel and Zermatt/Matterhorn).. we did a few things Nola hadn’t done just yet. First and foremost, a ferry ride to Mt. Rigi. GAME ON. I really didn’t care WHAT we did exactly… I wanted good food, good company and SWISS life. We got that and then some… whoop, whooop!

Luckily, as you can see, we had pretty spectacular weather the whole week I was there. For the most part, not a single cloud in the sky! Crazy, blue skies. I think for the first time all year I haven’t religiously stalked the weather. (Note: Any one in the photography business can understand what I mean here. I roll out of bed every day/weekend trying to decide if 30% chance of rain will crush my shoots or not – its a vicious cycle that I often don’t win). But nonetheless, I just rolled with it and the weather worked out perfectly.

On our 3 hour trip/train ride from Wengen up to Basel (where Nola and Christian live), we stopped in Interlaken so that we could break up the ride and to experience THIS city and do fun interlakeningy things! A boaaaaat ride sounded fabulous. You get to see a lot, all whilst taking in the views… all while NOT hiking. HA. I love a good hike, but a day off was a nice [needed] change of pace for me.



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Switzerland: Part I

Switzerland is one of those places you know is pretty and amazing, but you have no idea how RIDICULOUS it actually is until you see it first hand. I am very fortunate to have friends all over the world – two of which live in Basel, Switzerland. My college volleyball teammate, Nola and her husband moved over there last November and are always up for visitors. (WOOHOOO). I currently get about four weeks of vacation at my full-time job, so I try to plan any of my trips around the “free” holidays as much as possible. So when Labor Day came rolling around this year, I decided to make the plunge and buy a ticket to Switzerland. Turns out a few of their other friends had the same idea… which is just AWESOME. More peeps equals amazing little adventures.

I had a few bumps on my journey to Geneva but it was all worth it. Note: I had a pretty awful reaction to Ambien. ALWAYS, ALWAYS eat before you take it. Otherwise you’ll be the sickest you’ve ever been in your life. Trust me. Not fun. Nor ideal if you sit on the tarmac for three hours only to find out the flight will be cancelled. Let’s just say I threw up pretty much all night. Ouch. Alas, our flight was rescheduled for the next morning. By then, I was feeling better and almost fully recharged. After a 7 hour flight from Montreal, I got to Switzy about 11:30 pm and had to take a few trains out to Vevey, where the rest of the group was staying. I got in about 1:30 am and woke up at this reDONKEY place:

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Annnd I’m off…

Some of you might know this... but I have a bit of a travel obsession. I love seeing and experiences new parts of the world and I try and take…

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{L} Family

Saturday mornings… don’t they just make you happy? Well sneak a peek at this cute little Saturday morning session – where we just played in this family’s backyard and laughed a lot. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a family just playing and laughing with one another. I can say CHEESE for an hour or I can just let them be THEM – which is my favorite. Real smiles, real laughs and real moments. Absolutely precious.



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{R} Family

Yet another session where it feels like I am hanging out with old friends…. and I loved LOVED this family. Little man, N, is just nine months old and a rockstar. Major props to daddy for getting some Elmo songs playing, which turned those little grins into full out giggles.  How can you not smile when looking at his precious little face. Absolutely ADORABLE. Check out some cute sneaks… oh and ps… I ADORE the shot of mom and dad at the end on the bench. #heavenly <3

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{L} Cousins + Siblings

Awhhh cousins… your very first best friends in life. You probably recognize a few of these adorable kiddos… but this time we got to capture their cousins too!! A and J were in town from Jersey visiting for the week and we snapped a few shots with the whole group. FYI: Wrangling 5 kiddos and getting em all looking is kinda hilarious, but we made it work! Here are just a few sneaks peeks of our time together.



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{P} Family

Quite honestly, I don’t know how I got so lucky…. I am doing what I love and loving all the fabulous families I meet! This session was no exception. This little girl was absolutely precious and a BREEEEZE. Not all kiddos love me right off the bat, but little Miss M thought I was HILARIOUS – which helps me get those awesome giggles right out of the gate. Back at a favorite local spot in Schaumburg, we just bounced around the farm and played around. M LOVES danger and be flipped/scared and tossed – my kinda a girl! Haha! Oh and that cry picture? GAAAH, so cute. And don’t worry we snapped one picture and picked her back up. 😉

Check out a few sneaks from their awesome session below.

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{R} Family

Love, love, LOVE meeting back up with past families! It’s like hanging out with old friends… good times for sure! 🙂 This was the 2nd time I have photographed this sweet family of SIX. We literally just hopped around the park chatting and laughing. Cuteness times FOUR. Loved them. <3


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