{S} Family

Can I just say how much I looooove repeat familiessssssss!?! Got to reunite with this adorable fam after a year and a half and WOw have they grown!  Met up on a wonderful 72 and sunny night at this gorgeous spot in Downers Grove. I just can’t handle it. Every single bug bite was worth it. <3



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{C} Newborn

Ahhhhhhhhh one of my favorite (and absolutely sweetest) families I get to work with had another babe!!! I’ve been snapping pictures of this brood since I started doing photography… and one look around their house makes me feel warm and fuzzy. EVERY room has a photo I took somewhere it. I truly have watched this family grow and I am soooo in love with them all. Here we are… four years later and the newest {C} baby has arrived… Precious Peter. Looking a lot like his older siblings, but distinctly his own person – P was extremely chill and relaxed… but  I guess you just are destined to be as the 3rd kiddo, right? 🙂 Sneak a peek at this sweet session and fall in love all over again: 



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{R} Family


Started off my Sunday morning with this ridiculous cute (and beautiful) family at Katherine Legge Memorial Park – where we just played around and laughed. These two cute munchkins and I had a blast – sneak a peek at our session below:

Ramer-185 3



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{S} Family

I love, love, love meeting new families and this sweet (adorable) family was a blast to meet and play around with. My new best friend, E and I had a lot of good laughs. Even though it turned out little man was a bit under the weather, we had a blast hopping around LPZ snapping these pictures. <3 Sneak a peek below:

2014-05-20_0044 (more…)

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{M} Family

One of my favorite families is back on the blog!!!! <3 I met back up with this sweet family in one of those beautiful spots in Chicago and got to bounce around laughing and giggling with them. These kiddos are GROWING up! I canot believe how big they are now… especially little man A – who is now TWO years old!? Sneak a peek:



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{S} Family + Blonde and Curly!

I mean… how CUTE is this little boy!?!?! That hair? Those eyes? That smile? I cannot. I had a blast with little T and his sweet parents this past weekend playing around Lake Ellyn. Sneak a peek at our cute little session:



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{T} Family + 2 Boys

You guys…. I get really lucky and get to play with the sweetest and most adorable families out there. These two boys are so adorable, my heart hurts. Sneak a peek at our cute little session at Lake Ellyn:



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{H} Family + 1 Year




Whoa, whoa whoa. Time has simply gone by at lighting speed. It was just last week (I swear) that I photographed this little man as a newborn… right? But here we are, Atticus is standing (almoooooost walking) and babbling/chatting up a storm with me. His a little charmer, I tell you. It’s been absolute pleasure capturing this little guy throughout his first year of life. Man did that year fly byyyyyy!!! Happy 1st Birthday, little man! I can’t wait to see what is in store for you yet! <3



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{Marshall Family Reunion}

What I can say about this family? No words will ever do them justice… but 5 of these people I’ve known my entire life and are borderline the best people I know. The Marshall clan is 25 percent awesome, 25 percent kind and 50 percent hilarious. There is never a dull moment with them. I had the wonderful opportunity to be amongst this group for just a few hours during their reunion weekend in Wisconsin. A weekend I am sure was filled with lots of laughter, song and stories. The epitome of family right here:



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Gilbert, Arizona: Mini Sessions

Location will be either The Groves Church (Pistachio Groves) |  2777 S Gilbert Rd, Chandler, AZ 85249 OR Freestone Park | 1045 E. Juniper Rd. Gilbert, AZ 85299 Friday, May 23  (No rainout…

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