{S} Family + 6 Months

I mean…. loooooooook at this little munchkin!!!! Wesley has officially hit the 6 month milestone and what a joy he is! Sitting pretty fabulously on his own and checking out the world around him, he was an absolute blast to photograph. Isn’t his nursery just absolutely adorable?! And that VIEW!?! Gaaaah – perfection. After a little bit of indoor snuggling, we walked two blocks over to Millennium Park (aka their backyard) and enjoyed the city together. Check a few sneak peeks below:



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{C} Family + One Year

This little guy, J, is turning ONE in just a few weeks. Not only did he rock this session, turns out he rocked it with a 101 fever – WHOA! We met up on a very Springy (rainy/yet sunny) day at Lincoln Park Zoo. The colors have started to change and omgoodness, does it look beautiful. Check a few sneaks of our session below:



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{B} Family

“Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.” I met up with this gorgeous, funny, sweet and adorable family on a breezy, but gorgeous sunny Saturday morning in downtown Naperville. Sneak a few peeks below: 2014-04-28_0016 (more…)

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{R} Maternity

This past Saturday, I spent a lovely hour with this adorable couple in downtown Arlington Heights. Baby GIRL is due in early June and the parents to be cannot be more excited for her arrival. Sneak a peek at a few favorites from this cute session:



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{L} Family + 2 Years

I’ve photographed this little guy since he was BORN, at SIX months, at ONE year and now at his TWO year milestone… holy moly, how cool is THAT?! I’ve seen this little nugget grow up in front of my camera and it was a huge honor to capture this latest milestone. Full of energy and spunk, Jackson yet again rocked this session! Seriously, look at how big he has gotten over the years?



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{C} Family + 6 Months

Ahhhhhhhh my sweet little family is back and this time little man is SIX months!!! Isn’t he a perfect combination of both mom and dad?? Such a happy, go-lucky boy it was a pleasure hanging out with them yet again. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun and I can tell this family has had a blasssst these last few months. Sneak a peak:



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Easter Weekend

You guuuuuuuys, my niece is already THREE months old!!! Last Tuesday night, my sister-in-law and my bro flew into town and we got to spoil their little nugget every second of the day.  Last time I saw her, she couldn’t hold her head up and I thought I’d break her. Not so anymore.

Laine Elizabeth is just about 14 pounds, starting to smile and is soooooooo curious about the world around her — She was obsessed with watching our dog, Max run around the room. Although a little delayed – she was tracking his every move.  She’s got cheeks (and chins) for days and I love cuddling with her in the mornings and just chatting with her. Her curious, sweet personality is starting to form and I am quite honestly, obsessed with her.

My sister had to head out of town for a volleyball tournament, so she unfortunately only had a day with Laineybug – so we got a few photos with her before she took off. We also rocked out a 3 month session (more photos on that later – just a few below). It was a busy weekend… but one full of family time and the ever glorious sunshine.

On Easter, Laine was baptized and we celebrated the day with Meg’s LARGE family down in Hamilton, IL – a total of 70 people!!! A day full of laughter, 82 degree weather, Easter bunny visits, delicious food and squirt guns – it was a blast. Hope you all had a great weekend as well. <3



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{R} Family + 1 Year

Little Miss Scout is officially ONE year old!!! I first met her last September when we documented her 6 month milestone and she wa sa  had an amazing time this past week snapping these shots of happy, go-lucky Scout. She was a huge fan of me AND my camera and I could not have had more fun with her. Happiest of birthdays, baby girl! 😉



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{M} Family + 9 Month Milestone

Baby girl is 9 months already… whoa. Stop, time… NOW. A huge fan of whatever her big sisters are doing, T is all sorts of smiles all the time. So loving capture this family at each of these milestones. Sneak a few peeks below:



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