{C} Family + 6 Months

Ahhhhhhhh my sweet little family is back and this time little man is SIX months!!! Isn’t he a perfect combination of both mom and dad?? Such a happy, go-lucky boy it was a pleasure hanging out with them yet again. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun and I can tell this family has had a blasssst these last few months. Sneak a peak:



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{M} Family | 6 months

Okay for real. Time surely is flying by!!!! Teagan is six months old already?? When did that happen? It feels like no time has passed, yet little girl is almost sitting up on her own, full of personality and has become one of the happiest babes I have ever shot. I loved her animated faces and the squeals of joy  – so so so cute. Let’s not forget her proud big sisters who are turning 3 years this weekend… Happy Birthday M & T! 🙂

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{H} Family + 6 months

How quickly time flies by… Atticus is already six months? WHEN did that happen? As a photographer, I am privy to some special moments in your lives and getting to capture this little man’s first year? Lights out amazing. We did some similiar shots to the first two sessions and I have to say it’s SO cool to see each shot recreated each time. Little man is FULL of giggles (particularly when he is warm) and curious about many of things.



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{H} Family + 6 months

Those cheeks! Those blue eyes?!?! Gaaaaah, Hayden was a blaaast to photograph.. I mean, seriously… how cute is he?! <3 H is just about 6 months old and almoooost sitting up on his own. Little rockstar will be there before mom and dad will know it! Many thanks to this awesome fam for meeting up with me on one of the last few amazing nights in the city (before it gets toooo cold).

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{H} Family + 6 months

I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard during a session – these guys were AWESOME. Little T and Big Bro D are just too cute for words…. I mean… RIGHT?  We bounced around the Riverwalk and got a great collection of candids and happy shots. The blues? The blonde hair? Aren’t they all just sooooo gorgeous?? Just a few sneak peeks for now:




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{R} Family + 6 months

A TRUE city shoot? Love it. This family of three and I bounced around Logan Square for an hour, snapping some shots of their adorable little girl, Scout. Yup, SCOUT. How cute?!?! This little 6 month old had the BEST expressions and pretty much loved anything I did to get her to laugh. Though, I cannot compete with Daddy – who rocked the best smiles out of his little girl. Just a few sneak peeks:



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