{Z} Newborn

Introducing, sweet Vivian —- just 7 days new! Bright eyed and super cuddly, V rocked this session by giving us some of the most adorable faces and expressions. Fun fact, I’ve known this baby girl’s momma alllll my life, so it was a huge honor to be asked to capture this little girl’s first few days. Heather and I (along with our siblings) spent our summers in Lake Geneva growing up, playing cards and making dumb decisions (what kid didn’t)? HA! I am so so so happy for you, Heather – motherhood suites you QUITE well. Congratulations to you all! <3



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{M} Family… They’re Baaaaaack! <3

The most adorable, sweetest and hilarious boys (and their sister) are baaaaack.  I will say it over and over again, I LOVE repeat families and it was such a pleasure to see the {M} Family once again. Due to summer rainouts/accidental haircuts we had to reschedule a few times and it turns out.. it was for the absolute BEST. A perfect fall (with a taste of summer) night and we were off. These guys ROCKED, laughed a lot and we had the most amazing colors. In’t this family just gorgeous?!?! I don’t know how momma wrangles these four kiddos in… mad props!



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