{M} Family

Always soooooooo great to see these familiar faces appear on the blog!!! Little Miss Teagan is already TWO years old?! Whaaaaaaa? We met on a chilly summer night (this summer has…

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{F} Family

Have I mentioned how much FUN it is  to see my clients grow?! GAH! These three munchkins I've see for the past 3 years and by far this year was…

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Lifestyle | Wakeman Family

You know those moments when you're alone with your family and you wish you could freeze time? That's what this session is all about. Capturing those little, in-between moments of…

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{K} Newborn

Three things remain with us from paradise: stars, flowers and children. (Dante Alighieri) Once again I had the pleasure of capturing this wonderful families major milestones, the birth of their…

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{C} Family

 Family is not an important thing. It's everything. Michael J. Fox Ain't that the truth? When Kimberly reached out to me earlier this year about capturing her childhood home and her…

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K+J {Engagement}

"We are not only deeply in love with each other, we are just so in love with the family we worked really hard on creating. " I mean... if that isn't…

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