{C} Family

 Family is not an important thing. It's everything. Michael J. Fox Ain't that the truth? When Kimberly reached out to me earlier this year about capturing her childhood home and her…

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{M} Family… They’re Baaaaaack! <3

The most adorable, sweetest and hilarious boys (and their sister) are baaaaack.  I will say it over and over again, I LOVE repeat families and it was such a pleasure to see the {M} Family once again. Due to summer rainouts/accidental haircuts we had to reschedule a few times and it turns out.. it was for the absolute BEST. A perfect fall (with a taste of summer) night and we were off. These guys ROCKED, laughed a lot and we had the most amazing colors. In’t this family just gorgeous?!?! I don’t know how momma wrangles these four kiddos in… mad props!



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{B} Family + 3 Years

Ahhhh A is already THREE years old?! What? How? When!?! I first met up with this adorable little girl she was just FOUR months old. Quite possibly, the sweetest, nicest kid around – this girl is turning THREE on Friday! Time sure flies when you’re having fun. Happy Birthday, A! 🙂 Sneak a peek at a few favorites below: 2014-06-04_0001 (more…)

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{S} Family

Can I just say how much I looooove repeat familiessssssss!?! Got to reunite with this adorable fam after a year and a half and WOw have they grown!  Met up on a wonderful 72 and sunny night at this gorgeous spot in Downers Grove. I just can’t handle it. Every single bug bite was worth it. <3



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{H} Family

Talk about a PERFECT night for a photoshoot… Gaaaaah!! An hour before sunset and the sky is practically golden – my favorite time to shoot (photography world calls this the golden hour). This is the third and equally, fabulous time I’ve met up with this family. They make my job SUPER easy and fun – these kiddos are the sweetest, little munchkins around. So flipping cute. Sneak a peek below:



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{C} Family

Happy Birthday, Little Miss C! Tomorrow she turns TWO! Full of personality and giggles, I loved working with this family. We met up about an hour before sunset at one of my favorite spots in the city and rocked out this adorable session. You might spy a verrrry tall building in the backdrop of these photos – this family lives riiight across the street from LPZ and wanted to represent that in these shots. We had a GORGEOUS (but windy) night! Check out the sneak peeks below:



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{R} Family

Yet another session where it feels like I am hanging out with old friends…. and I loved LOVED this family. Little man, N, is just nine months old and a rockstar. Major props to daddy for getting some Elmo songs playing, which turned those little grins into full out giggles.  How can you not smile when looking at his precious little face. Absolutely ADORABLE. Check out some cute sneaks… oh and ps… I ADORE the shot of mom and dad at the end on the bench. #heavenly <3

2013-08-23_0001 (more…)

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