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Lifestyle | Wakeman Family

You know those moments when you're alone with your family and you wish you could freeze time? That's what this session is all about. Capturing those little, in-between moments of…

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K+J {Engagement}

"We are not only deeply in love with each other, we are just so in love with the family we worked really hard on creating. " I mean... if that isn't…

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{M} Family… They’re Baaaaaack! <3

The most adorable, sweetest and hilarious boys (and their sister) are baaaaack.  I will say it over and over again, I LOVE repeat families and it was such a pleasure to see the {M} Family once again. Due to summer rainouts/accidental haircuts we had to reschedule a few times and it turns out.. it was for the absolute BEST. A perfect fall (with a taste of summer) night and we were off. These guys ROCKED, laughed a lot and we had the most amazing colors. In’t this family just gorgeous?!?! I don’t know how momma wrangles these four kiddos in… mad props!



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{W} Family + Baby Bump K

Haaaaaaaaands down one of the most  beautiiiiful families EVER! I love, LOVE that I got meetup with this crazy, awesome crew this again year! Even cooler – momma rounded the corner of the car with belly in tow! What a fun and fabulous surprise!!!! Baby boy is due to arrive in mid October and these two kiddos are super pumped for him to get here (though they are very against helping with diapers I’ll have you know). Congratulations, W family!!! Love seeing your sweet faces and am so happy for you all!!! Sneak a peek at my many favorites below:



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{M} Family + 1 Year

Has it really been a year?! Sweet Teagan is already ONE year old! (Seriously, time… slow down. STAT). While T was the star of this shoot, it was fun to get capture each girl and their unique personality AND snap a family shot with everyone alert and looking (wooohoo)! 🙂 Sneak a peek at some of my early favorites. <3



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